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Mid-South is dedicated to improving your game. Whether you're looking for warning track mix for opening day, tarps for rain delays, custom helmets for tournament time, a comprehensive field renovation or just a bucket of balls, we're your number one starter for baseball and softball products. 

To talk about how we can make your field look its best, contact Bill Miller at 502-386-9673 or bmiller@midsouthbaseball.com.

For the best prices on field and game products, contact Dave Swindler at 502-533-4272 or daveswindler@gmail.com.
About UsField MaintenanceField ProductsGame ProductsContact UsPitching Machines

  Click here to download our 2012 catalog   
Mid-South is dedicated to improving your game. Whether you're looking for warning track mix for opening day, tarps for rain delays, custom helmets for tournament time, a comprehensive field renovation or just a bucket of balls, we're your number one starter for baseball and softball products. 

To talk about how we can make your field look its best, contact Bill Miller at 502-386-9673 or bmiller@midsouthbaseball.com.

For the best prices on field and game products, contact Dave Swindler at 502-533-4272 or daveswindler@gmail.com.
About UsField MaintenanceField ProductsGame ProductsContact UsPitching Machines

  Click here to download our 2012 catalog   
About UsField MaintenanceField ProductsGame ProductsContact UsPitching Machines

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Mid-South is dedicated to improving your game. Whether you're looking for warning track mix for opening day, tarps for rain delays, custom helmets for tournament time, a comprehensive field renovation or just a bucket of balls, we're your number one starter for baseball and softball products. 

To talk about how we can make your field look its best, contact Bill Miller at 502-386-9673 or bmiller@midsouthbaseball.com.

For the best prices on field and game products, contact Dave Swindler at 502-533-4272 or daveswindler@gmail.com.
About UsField MaintenanceField ProductsGame ProductsContact UsPitching Machines

  Click here to download our 2012 catalog   
Midsouth is dedicated to improving your game. Whether you're looking for warning track mix for opening day, tarps for rain delays, custom helmets for tournament time, a comprehensive field renovation or just a bucket of balls, we're your number one starter for baseball and softball products. 

To talk about how we can make your field look its best or the best prices on field and game products, contact Bill Miller at 502-386-9673 or bmiller@midsouthbaseball.com.

About UsField MaintenanceField ProductsGame ProductsContact UsPitching Machines

Click Here to Download Our 2012 Catalog
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